Tuesday, July 20, 2010


hi fitness lovers !

hope you are all having a great week ! BTW the fitness cover is apparently one of their best selling covers so far !!! So make sure you grab it before its too late !!!

I have good news and bad news for you guys....

First off, well, i have been doing alot of thinking lately. Mostly about competing. For thoses of you who has been following me since the begining, you all know that i started my fitness career has a figure competitor in 2005. 5 years already ! WOW !!! I have won several shows such has Fame WNSO, WBFF, musclemania figure America, Figure Universe and i got invited to compete at the Arnold Classic in 2008. And then i stopped competing for 2 years. I wanted to focus on my modeling career instead of going on stage... and i made the right decision !

I landed some pretty big covers the past year and a half. My "new" fans knows me more has the sexy fitness model, but i got news for you guys, Michele is a pretty bad ass athlete. Who use to run sprints like a champ , in fact, i almost went to the Olympics. So i am not afraid to push hard at the gym. BTW, if you see me in the gym, i'm in a zone, i have my ipod one, my versagrips and i sweat like a B.... !

I decided to make a come back this year has a NPC figure competitor. One of my biggest dream, always been and still is, to be an IFBB figure professional. I was told many times i had the genetics and the talent for it. But lately, i have been faced with decisions to take regarding my competing career. The way i see the sport of figure is going, i am not sure i wanna put my body into such hard core dieting and training. I would rather keep a healthy physique all year long, be able to shoot within 2 weeks noticed, rather then depleting myself, go into starvation and dealing with the rebound of such a low calorie diet that occurs after a contest.

So with the new NPC bikini division , is was thinking of "crossing"over. I always liked to show off my sexy and bubbly personality on stage anyways rather then pose and stare at the judges.

I meditated for a while on this and i decided to enter my first NPC bikini contest end of august !!

BUT.. (and this is the bad news...) this morning, ( has in thuesday july 19th) , i woke up with my fiance( www.anthonypresciano.com) with the intention of starting a new "sprinting" workout on the rack. We have a track close to our house, its sooo convenient and i was so excited!!

After 30 minutes of full and intense running and sprinting...it hapened....boom!

i felt the most unconfortable pain ever, feeling the gastrocnemius pulling and tearing, has i was approching 100 meters.

thank god Anthony was there, he carried me all the way to the car...poor guy !!! LOLLL

So i'm sitting here, with ice on my calfs, can't walk, and i'm wondering ...

"Why and how the hell did that happened??!"

now i believe there is NO PAIN NO GAIN !!!!

to be continued.......


  1. Hang in there Michelle! Hope you are recovering well.

  2. Hi Michele:
    I came across your website and I was wondering why is the purpose of you competing? As I see your career is going extemely well and I do not doubt it will get just better! Good stuff! :)

    Would a pro card give you more opportunities or are you seeking for a supp sponsorship?

    Hope you are recovering and best of luck this month for your comp!
